So why does it feel like house All Pro Home Inspectors are comparing resale homes to a brand new or perfect house? Because in some ways we are. Newer houses may have important safety upgrades or other improvements which can be easily retrofitted in the home under consideration. The home All Pro Home Inspector should also, nonetheless, be giving point of view to the home buyer. I mean that the purchaser needs to be made acutely aware of security issues and expensive fixes. Wear-and-tear items, while also essential to reveal, must be explained that way. Ultimately a good house All Pro Home Inspector will compare and contrast a home to its peers regarding wear-and-tear things and supply ample disclosure of the safety and high cost items. Furthermore, in the home All Pro Home Inspection sector, high cost commonly means more than $500.00 to repair.
Why are Phoenix home All Pro Home Inspectors so important regarding the lack of GFCI protection? Simply because GFCI units cost you only about $10.00 each and can mean a big difference between life and death. Several needless injuries and fatalities have occurred due to the lack of operating GFCI protection in wet areas of the electrical power system. Inspectors must be particular concerning the significance of safety upgrades; expert All Pro Home Inspectors should provide a conservative perspective.
What makes anti-siphon protection in the water system important? Safety. Let’s assume you are using a hose end garden sprayer to apply pesticide (poison) to your garden. You don’t have anti-siphon protection on the hose bib and the city main piping creates a leak somewhere. If so the pesticide can actually be siphoned to the supply line and came back to you and your neighbor’s drinking water the moment the main line is fixed. Terrible!
Is anybody else tired of hearing regarding high water pressure? We are! Several locations on the valley are plagued with high water pressure. Contractors are supposed to set up a pressure regulator in case the water pressure is more than eighty psi, but they rarely do. Let me paint you the picture … The clothes washer supply tubing is usually the most fragile link in the system. High-pressure brings about bursting in the lines. It only occurs on holidays, weekends, whenever out of town, and so forth and lots-of-damage results. The bad news is that a number of other “weak links” exist on the plumbing system of the common house. Regulators must be installed by plumbers and run you around $200.00 – $250.00.
Should the home All Pro Home Inspector be walking on a tile roof? In general the clay tile roof should not be stepped however a concrete tile roof could be stepped. It is best if the All Pro Home Inspector weighs lower than 200 pounds and just walks where the tiles overlap one another. It can also help to only walk on the lower portions “pans” of the tile.
When you have any other questions regarding why All Pro Home Inspectors do the things they’re doing, call All Pro Home Inspectors Inc. today at 904-807-0939. We’re a group of professional Ponte Vedra Beach, FL home All Pro Home Inspection experts.